Brattleboro Literary Festival

September 23, 2014 § Leave a comment

What an honor to be included among the stellar group of authors participating in this year’s Brattleboro Literary Festival (October 2- 5, 2014) which for thirteen years has been one of the most dynamic and well attended celebrations of books and readers in New England. And what a blast to hang out with old friends, meet new ones, hear talented and interesting people discuss their work and read from it, all the events well attended, and the streets of good old Brattleboro teeming with readers and writers of every stripe. Thanks to the organizers and volunteers, my friends and fellow writers, and everyone who came out to celebrate the power and beauty of the written word!

I had the privilege of introducing two very special women, critically acclaimed emerging writers Alden Jones and Eleanor Henderson

I had the privilege of introducing two very special women, critically acclaimed emerging writers Alden Jones and Eleanor Henderson


What a pleasure and an honor to read and discuss books alongside the talented Don Bredes, a fellow Vermont writer


Signing books with Don and the luminous Dede Cummings, publicist, agent, and publisher of Green Writers Press

Giving a little pre-reading context for Will Poole’s Island

So great to see the streets and venues of Brattleboro filled with writers and readers. Reports of the death of the book have been very much exaggerated!

So great to see the streets and venues of Brattleboro filled with writers and readers. Reports of the death of the book have been very much exaggerated!


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