Star Island lecture series

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment

Star-air02Looking forward to discovering a brand new corner of the world next week: Star Island, one of the Isles of Shoals off the coast of New Hampshire. I’ll have a chance to get some creative work done and explore the Atlantic waters around the island, and, as the theme speaker for participants in the All-Star 2 Family Conference, I’ll be delivering a five part lecture series: “Life Stories: Creative Adventurers, Adventurous Creators.” I’ve had a lot of fun planning and researching these lectures, which focus on figures who have engaged in a deep and life-changing way with some of the parts of the world that are important to me from life and work. Here are the subjects:

Slide1The Life and Times of Francisco de Goya

Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle

Ernest Hemingway in Spain and Cuba

Georgia O’Keeffe: American Visionary

In my final talk I’ll discuss how my own engagement with place influenced the writing of Will Poole’s Island.

If you or an organization you belong to is interested in booking me for one of these talks or something new, send me a note. My schedule is busy but flexible, and I love doing this kind of thing.  It’s quite possible that we can work it out!

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